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New Year Resolution! 2017 is gonna be THE year


Happy New Year guys!!! As you can see, this post is gonna be in english, this is because I wanna talk about my first half of my exchangeyear and want to share a few thoughts !

As the year has come to an end I tried to think about what happened in 2016. It was a crazy year. I'm wondering how time can go by so fast, even though there have been days that never wanted to come to an end. 2016 treated me well but also hated me. There were good moments and bad moments. Life can be hard sometimes. It putes stones in ur way and you have to find a way through, to see the love, happiness and the light in the darkness so that we will remember how lucky we can be to live this life🗺. This year was taff. Everything bad that happened in the world was scary. But you know what?... We are still here. We can prove that love is stronger: love is the most important thing in the world, I swear! There are ALWAYS things to smile about, to be proud of. At least we have to try to be proud of our selfes. This year has strengthen me so much, I seriously became another stronger and adaptable person! I learned so much. It burned me with a never ending headache, trying to please people and getting disappointed. I'm done feelin' short in someone elses eyes. But also I met new people, I travelled 5000miles around the world so my dream can come true, I was longer apart from family and friends than throughout my entire life. I had the best experiences. My standards have ben changed and my patience tested. I cried for hours and, in contrast I laughed for days. I've met more good then bad people, I even felt more hope then despair. Try to stand up whereever you are. You can and you will!!! Never give up ur dreams. Give love like there is no tomorrow and always remember that life is too short to complain. Instead of trying to find happiness in other people, please urself, fall in love with urself and do things that make u happy.💫 Make 2017 the year where you accomplish ur goals, be yourself, accept urself, and where you push all negativity out of ur life! You can't take mistakes back you made last year but you can always try to learn and do better.🏳 Thank you for everybody who made my year the year that I had!❤ Things that made me smile, loved. 2016 has proven me that I have the best family and friends I could ever ask for.💕 I'm ready for 2017!!!"

by Leonie Weller

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